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​​Bachelor of Arts​ in Worship Arts and Music Ministry


On Campus


120 credit hours

Program Length

as few as 48 months


Regionally Accredited by SACSCOC

Pursue Your Passion with a degree in Worship Arts and Music MinistryÌý

The Bachelor of Arts in Worship Arts and Music Ministry is designed to prepare you for leadership roles in church music ministry and worship leading. This program will provide you with the knowledge and skills needed to serve in a variety of church settings and traditions, helping to cultivate a deeper sense of worship and spiritual growth among believers.Ìý

Through a comprehensive curriculum that emphasizes both theoretical and practical training, you will learn how to lead congregations in worship, develop a repertoire of worship songs and hymns, and use various musical instruments to enhance the worship experience. You will also gain a deeper understanding of the theological and historical foundations of worship, as well as the role of music in the life of the Church.Ìý

Graduates of the Bachelor of Arts in Worship Arts and Music Ministry are well-equipped to serve as church music ministers, worship leaders or music directors in a wide range of church settings, from small rural churches to large metropolitan congregations. They are prepared to lead believers in worship, nurture their faith, and help them grow in their relationship with God through music and the arts. Whether pursuing a career in music ministry or further studies in divinity or theology, graduates of this program are poised for success in their chosen field.Ìý

Why Worship Arts at CIU?Ìý

The Bachelor of Arts in Worship Arts and Music Ministry program at CIU offers a unique and comprehensive approach to preparing students for careers in music worship ministry. With a strong emphasis on collaboration with the core courses in Bible and Ministry, students receive a greater depth of preparation than many other colleges can offer. Multiple chapel services each week provide students with ample opportunities to gain real-world experience in worship leading, supported by a vibrant and healthy worship culture at CIU. The university’s close connections to local churches and denominational diversity in both the faculty and student body provide exposure to various styles, traditions and forms of worship, allowing students to develop a well-rounded understanding of music ministry in different settings. Through participation in leading worship and ministry in real-life situations, students gain practical skills and knowledge to succeed in their future careers. CIU also provides ongoing direction and support for graduates as they embark on their chosen paths in music ministry. Ìý

Featured Faculty

What Will I Study?

In addition to the undergraduate core, here are degree specific-courses you can expect to take:

  • MUS 1000 Convocation

    This is a requirement for all students with a major in music and music minors enrolled in other music courses. Convocation involves weekly recitals, lectures, and presentations by the Music department faculty, students, and guest musicians.

    0.00 credit hours
  • MUS 1100 Practical Musicianship

    The course is designed to provide students with the knowledge and practical skills required to read and play melodies, simple hymn style harmony, play major and minor scales in all keys, and primary I-IV-V-I progressions in all inversions. Note: This course is required of all music majors during their first semester. Completion of the course will satisfy the music program piano proficiency requirement. The class must be passed before a student may take Music Theory I or Aural Theory I.

    3.00 credit hours
  • MUS 2200 Aural Theory I

    Emphasizes strategies for accurate and expressive reading, improvisation, singing, and dictation using elementary rhythms and diatonic pitch materials in treble and bass clefs. Includes the singing of all intervals and scales, melodic and interval dictation, identification of major and minor triads, rhythmic exercises, and sight-singing in a limited vocal range. To be taken concurrently with Music Theory I.

    2.00 credit hours
  • MUS 2210 Aural Theory II

    Students will complete an aural understanding of diatonic harmony through harmonic dictation in addition to a continuing practice of sight singing and melodic and rhythmic dictation. Includes intervallic, melodic, two and four-part, and rhythmic dictation. Recognition of bass and soprano factors as well as triad function in four-part dictation. Rhythmic exercises including subdivision level. Sight-singing with modal inflections and in tenor and alto clef. To be taken concurrently with Music Theory II.

    2.00 credit hours
  • MUS 2300 Music Theory I

    In this course, you will review of the fundamentals of music (rhythm, scales, key signatures, reading, and writing), followed by a detailed study of harmony, intervals, keyboard harmony, and melodic and choral analysis. You will apply your knowledge in composition of traditional and contemporary music.

    3.00 credit hours
  • MUS 2310 Music Theory II

    In this course, you will continue to review the fundamentals of music (rhythm, scales, key signatures, reading, and writing), followed by a detailed study of harmony, intervals, keyboard harmony, and melodic and choral analysis. You will apply your knowledge in composition of traditional and contemporary music.

    3.00 credit hours
  • MUS 2899 Piano Proficiency

    This is a requirement for music majors that involves a demonstration of competency in all the keyboard skills described in the Piano Proficiency handbook.

    0.00 credit hours
  • MUS 3611 Fingerboard Harmony

    This course is designed to provide skills and knowledge needed by guitar players who wish to enhance their musical facility with worship music and other contemporary music activities.

    2.00 credit hours
  • MUS 4202 History of Music in Christ Church

    This course focuses exclusively on music for the Christian church from the Middle Ages through the end of the 20th century, and you will examine trends and issues in each period while being challenged to develop your own philosophy of church music in light of the Scriptures.

    3.00 credit hours
  • MUS 4810 Contemporary Christian Worship

    In this course, you will begin to examine the many facets of music ministry in today's church, including service planning, worship philosophy, sound reinforcement and recording, musical/drama production, team building, and contemporary worship styles. Segments may be taught by a variety of specialists.

    3.00 credit hours
  • MUS 4898 Recital

    A requirement for music majors that involves a 25-35 minute, public recital in their primary performance area, consisting of music selected from their private studies.

    0.00 credit hours
  • MUS 4930 Internship in Music

    This is an independent study available to juniors and seniors by special arrangement with instructor. You will demonstrate skills in an on-site experience in a church, recording studio, camp, or other location appropriate to your area of interest and specialization. A minimum of 50 clock hours of direct experience is required for a unit of credit. Consult with your academic advisor.

    1.00 credit hour
  • COM 2731 Graphic Design

    In this course, you will focus on the elements and principles of graphic design, including how to implement those principles through various projects with the Adobe Creative Suite programs of Illustrator, Photoshop, and InDesign. You will explore typography, page layout, and logo design while working with photos and illustrations. The course will give the you both the theory of good design and hands-on, practical experience in each of the above software applications.

    3.00 credit hours
  • COM 3712 Video Production

    In this course, you will be introduced to the fundamental principles of video production. From the techniques required to shoot independent video to working for a television station, you will gain valuable insight into the production techniques required to become a videographer. Emphasis will be placed on terminology, concepts, elements, and techniques of video production, lighting, camera control, audio production, writing, producing, and directing.

    3.00 credit hours
  • COM 3720 Webpage Design and Development

    In this course, you will develop a thorough and practical understanding of the standards and conventions used in creating useable and accessible websites, while gaining the experience of creating a website using standards-compliant XHTML and CSS by incorporating standard web-based design software. By the end of this course, you will have developed an understanding of the functions and uses of the web and be able to create business-suitable websites that are usable and accessible.

    3.00 credit hours
  • COM 4715 Live Production

    This course will prepare you to develop production skills in a live performance setting involving conferences, meetings, worship services, seminars and concerts. You will learn to stage and troubleshoot multi-camera video (iMAG), live sound (sound reinforcement), lighting (stage and house, fixed and movable) and video projection (house and confidence monitors). You will also learn how to develop and display presentations using ProPresenter, Media Shout and Powerpoint. Developing professional etiquette, maintaining professional relationships and communicating effectively with peers, artistic team, and technical staff will also be explored.

    3.00 credit hours
  • MIN 3100 Communicating for Life Change

    You will explore various models and guides for effective communication and teaching of Scripture that connect with a variety of age groups. You will read books, write messages, and participate in discussion and lectures. You will practice speaking in class to experience the methods.

    3.00 credit hours
  • MIN 3715 Counseling Children, Youth, and Families

    This course will help you understand the needs of children, adolescents, and families. This course will give you a framework for utilizing individual and family systems model as well as other theories and practical techniques for counseling.

    3.00 credit hours
  • MIN 4500 Introduction to Cross-Cultural Ministry

    In this course, you will be exposed to a variety of ministry approaches needed for different cultures. You will explore the cross-cultural ministry principles and skills most essential to ministry. You will discover your own cultural biases and how those biases affect your ministry. You will have the opportunity to develop a culture-specific ministry vision and strategy to reach a people group God has placed on your heart.

    3.00 credit hours
  • MIN 4536 Management Essentials for Christian Ministries

    In this course, you will learn basic ministry management principles for the local church and para-church ministries. You will learn how to build and lead a ministry team; plan, organize, and market events and programs; conduct effective meetings; budget and evaluate financial issues; manage risk and legal issues; evaluate and follow up on ministry activities.

    3.00 credit hours
  • MIN 4538 Strategic Ministry Leadership

    In this course, you will examine the character qualities essential to effective Christian leadership in a variety of settings; discuss a definition of leadership which discloses its basic functions; explore relational skills and issues integral to leadership roles; and identify competencies for tasks essential for excellent leadership.

    3.00 credit hours
  • YOU 3410 Evangelizing & Discipling Youth

    This course equips you in the principles and practice of discipling a young person to know God and make Him known. It provides a specific look at adolescent Christian life as it pertains to the facilitation of maturing leaders in youth organizations. You will review various models, strategies, and programs that target teens and collegians in a ministry of disciple-making.

    3.00 credit hours
  • YOU 3450 Camp and Retreat Management

    This course covers the basics of camp and retreat management. Topics include: staff hiring and training, facilities management, programming, food service, marketing, working with a board of directors, risk management and accreditation.

    3.00 credit hours
  • YOU 4310 Strategies for Effective Youth & Family Ministry

    You will explore a variety of models and strategies, past/present, for leading effective ministry to youth and their families. You will examine the challenges and opportunities of doing ministry in a post-Christian world. (3)

    3.00 credit hours
  • YOU 4600 Applied Adventure Education

    In this course, you will explore principles and experience the biblical foundations, contemporary expressions, and soft skills of effective leadership. You will focus on training in character development, problem-solving, group relational navigation, conflict/emergency management, non-verbal assessments, and coping with weaknesses, failure, and limitations.

    3.00 credit hours
  • MUS 2504 Vocal Ensemble Ambassador Singers

    Ambassador Singers is composed of 20-25 members who are selected by audition for the academic year. Selectons occur during the first week of the fall semester and a small number of slots may be filled during the first week of the spring semester. The singers minister regularly for local churches, organizations, and school events throughout the school year. Some out-of-town tours also may be scheduled. Members are required to attend all scheduled rehearsals and sectionals.

    1.00 credit hour
  • MUS 2523 Vocal Ensemble Praise Team

    The Praise and Worship team is a group of vocalists and instrumentalists that leads the CIU family in worship through a blend of traditional and contemporary worshp music. By audition.

    1.00 credit hour
  • MUS 4504 Vocal Ensemble Ambassador Singers

    Ambassador Singers is composed of 20-25 members who are selected by audition for the academic year. Selectons occur during the first week of the fall semester and a small number of slots may be filled during the first week of the spring semester. The singers minister regularly for local churches, organizations, and school events throughout the school year. Some out-of-town tours also may be scheduled. Members are required to attend all scheduled rehearsals and sectionals.

    1.00 credit hour
  • MUS 4523 Vocal Ensemble Praise Team

    The Praise and Worship team is a group of vocalists and instrumentalists that leads the CIU family in worship through a blend of traditional and contemporary worshp music. By audition.

    1.00 credit hour

Admission Requirements

Admission RequirementsÌý

  • Students will audition for the music faculty to gain admission to the program.Ìý
  • At the end of the fourth semester, students will be evaluated for proficiency progress, GPA, ministry readiness and potential, etc. Ìý

Accreditation and Accolades

SACSCOC (The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges)

What Can I Do With This Degree?Ìý

Graduates with a Bachelor of Arts in Worship Arts and Music Ministry are equipped with the skills and knowledge necessary to pursue a variety of careers in church music ministry and worship leading, including:Ìý

  • Church Music Minister or Worship LeaderÌý
  • Music Director or CoordinatorÌý
  • Music Teacher or InstructorÌý
  • Songwriter or ArrangerÌý
  • Producer or Recording EngineerÌý
  • Sound Technician or Audiovisual SpecialistÌý
  • Music Business Manager or PromoterÌý
  • Music TherapistÌý
  • Further studies in Divinity or TheologyÌý

With a deep understanding of music theory, theological concepts of worship, and practical skills in music performance and technology, graduates of this program are well-prepared to serve as leaders and influencers in the world of church music ministry and beyond.​

Top FAQs

What is the difference between a Worship Arts and Music Ministry degree and a traditional Music degree?

A Worship Arts and Music Ministry degree from CIU focuses specifically on training students to lead worship and minister through music in a church setting. Coursework includes music theory and the history of music, but also includes courses on ministering to youth, creating worship music and more.

Do I need to be able to read music or play an instrument to pursue this degree?

While some prior musical experience can be helpful, it is not necessarily required to pursue a degree in Worship Arts and Music Ministry. Students will receive training in music theory and performance as part of the program, and may choose to focus on vocals or other aspects of worship leading.

What kind of career opportunities are available for graduates of this program?

Graduates with a degree in Worship Arts and Music Ministry are prepared for a variety of careers in church music ministry and worship leading. This can include roles as music directors or coordinators, worship leaders, producers, songwriters or arrangers, music teachers or instructors and more.

What kind of courses can I expect to take in this program?

CIU’s curriculum for a Worship Arts and Music Ministry degree includes courses on music theory and performance, worship leadership, songwriting, and practical skills such as sound production.

Can I combine a Worship Arts and Music Ministry degree with another major?

It may be possible to combine a degree in Worship Arts and Music Ministry with another major, such as Business or Education, depending on the requirements of each program. However, students should consult with their academic advisor to ensure that they can meet the requirements for both programs within their desired timeline.

Will I have opportunities to gain real-world experience in worship leading and music ministry as part of this program?

Yes! CIU’s Worship Arts and Music Ministry degree program offers opportunities for students to participate in leading worship and ministry in real-life situations through internships. These experiences can help students gain practical skills and build their resumes for future careers.


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